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Kinzie's Got Talent Standards-Aligned Educator Guide
This three-page guide is the perfect educator's guide for reading Kinzie's Got Talent with your classroom. Includes Discussion guide and questions, a magnetic slime STEM activity, and an Inventor's Planning Guide to introduce students to the Design Process.

Earth to Kinzie Standards-Aligned Educator's Guide
This three-page guide is the perfect educator's guide for reading Earth to Kinzie with your classroom, Includes a Discussion guide with pre and post-reading questions and a printable word puzzle with several facts about Jupiter.

Kinzie and the P.U. Zoo Standards-Aligned Educator Guide
This three-page guide is the perfect educator's guide for reading Earth to Kinzie with your classroom, Includes a Discussion guide with pre and post-reading questions and a printable crossword puzzle.

Book Review
Help your young writers organize their thoughts into a book review!

Ella Bella Bovine Paper Doll Printable
The perfect on-the-go paper doll activity. Simply print onto white cardstock (or paper), cute along the dotted lines and enjoy!

Big Blizzard in a Jar
Create your own full-size blizzard in a jar while you learn about density, polarity, pressure and reactions. Be sure to have plenty of sodium bicarbonate on hand; they'll want to make the 'snowstorm" flurry over and over again! This is a great project to make at home.

Itty-Bitty Blizzard in a Jar
This is a small scale version of the Blizzard in a Jar experiment. Great for groups of children or if you only have a small amount of the necessary ingredients on hand. Kids will love the cool reaction that creates the 'blizzard' and you'll love that they're learning about density, polarity, pressure and reactions.

Kinzie's Candy Corn STEM Challenge
Fun, Fall-themed STEM Freebie! Looking for a fun STEM activity to use to celebrate Halloween?!
This challenge asks students to use build an "ear of corn" by stacking candy corn to see how many candies they can stack before it tumbles. Then, they will brainstorm ideas to improve the process next time they try. Finally, they'll conduct a survey using tally marks about the different ways people eat candy corn.
This challenge asks students to use build an "ear of corn" by stacking candy corn to see how many candies they can stack before it tumbles. Then, they will brainstorm ideas to improve the process next time they try. Finally, they'll conduct a survey using tally marks about the different ways people eat candy corn.

Kinzie's Candy Corn Science Lab
Fun, Fall-themed Science Lab Free Printable! Looking to celebrate Halloween with a little science?!
This challenge asks students to predict which liquid will dissolve candy corn first, then walks them through the steps to conduct the experiment. They'll think they're having fun. You'll know they're learning!
This challenge asks students to predict which liquid will dissolve candy corn first, then walks them through the steps to conduct the experiment. They'll think they're having fun. You'll know they're learning!

Let's Go Fish!
Free Counting and Sorting Printable, a perfect accompaniment to the Dr. Seuss One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish book.
They'll think they're having fun. You'll know they're learning!
They'll think they're having fun. You'll know they're learning!

Moo-La-La-Ti-Da! Graduation Bookmark/Gift Card Holder
Need a cute gift card holder and/or oversized bookmark for your special graduate? Download & print this for free. And, instead of a card, sign the inside cover of Moo-La-La-Ti-Da! for the perfect gift! Best printed on white cardstock.

Kinzie's Kinventions Graduation Bookmark/Gift Card Holder
Need a cute gift card holder and/or oversized bookmark for your special graduate? Download & print this for free. And, instead of a card, sign the inside cover of any Kinzie's Kinventions book for the perfect gift! Best printed on white cardstock.

Claw & Order: Fairy Goose Unit Graduation Bookmark/Gift Card Holder
Need a cute gift card holder and/or oversized bookmark for your special graduate? Download & print this for free. And, instead of a card, sign the inside cover of any Claw & Order: Fairy Goose Unit book for the perfect gift! Best printed on white cardstock.

Elf Rocket Ship
Your Elf can easily engineer a paper rocket ship with this printable. Simply print on white cardstock and follow the directions on the page. Pairs perfectly with Earth to Kinzie!

12 Days of Kindness Cards
This printable set is designed to encourage acts of kindness among children during the holiday season. It includes 12 colorful and engaging cards, each featuring a unique kindness challenge PLUS a page of blank cards so you can make your own challenges.

Elf's Got Talent
Elf sized stage curtains and EGT sign. Elves may print on white cardstock, cut out and scotch tape to two pencils on either side, then to an overturned tissue box. Tangle elf in a yoyo and a glow bracelet hula hoop. Perfect to pair with Kinzie's Got Talent.

Elf Antics Printable Props
Printable Props made for elves by elves! Includes an elf driver's license for Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, holiday mustache & antlers for Mooseltoe, Elf Shelf sign for Red Sled, Zoo sign and clothespin for ELf's nose for Kinzie and the P. U. Zoo.

The Day the Crayons Quit Elves Costume
If your elves love to read, they might want to print this costume & sign and join the Crayon picket line.

Gingerbread House ELA, Math & STEM Grades 2-5 .png
This Lesson Plan is 19 pages of ELA, Math, and STEM learning disguised as fun! It's everything you want in your 2-5 grade classrooms - poetry, rhyming, budgeting, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and engineering with the Design Process. The only thing it isn't is boring!
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