
Moo-La-La-Ti-Da! tells a story of friendship, acceptance, kindness and the value of being unique.
Ella Bella Bovine takes the bull by the horns and makes some changes around the drab farm. She dips her tail in dazzling paint and...Moo-la-la-ti-da!
Most of her friends love the beautified barn and line up for makeovers, but Shania shies away.
She simply isn't fancy.
Can friends stay friends even if they are different?
You bet your cowtail they can! Being unique is what makes us all so moo-velous.

Kinzie's Kinventions: Kinzie's Got Talent (Book 1)
It’s talent show time, and Kinzie could win a real pretend-gold trophy!
There’s only one problem. Kinzie can’t find her talent. Sure, she’s good at a lot of things. But dodging the Ferocious Lee Monstrous monster in the basement, fixing her best friend’s tapped-out tap shoes, and reading Whiz Kidz science magazine don’t count as talent.
But could they be part of a bigger, soon-to-be-discovered talent?

Kinzie's Kinventions: Earth To Kinzie
(Book 2)
Kinzie’s ninety-eight fans love her problem-solving videos on her very own Kinzie’s Kinventions ViewTube channel!
But how do you solve problems like a new wobbly-bobbly-headed baby brother or a know-it-all big sister?
Lucky for her, Kinzie doesn’t have to invent anything for those problems because her sister tells her a secret. Kinzie’s from Jupiter, and her space parents will return for her on her seventh birthday. That’s in three days! She can blast off to Jupiter to live with her space parents. Problem solved, easy-peasy cherry freezie!
But what if she misses her Earth mom and dad? Or her friends and pets? Or … what if Kinzie’s sister is just tricking her?

Kinzie's Kinventions: Kinzie And The P.U. Zoo
(Book 3)
The whole class is going on a field trip to the zoo!
But too bad for classroom rivals Kinzie and Ben. Neither of them can go thanks to getting—and sharing—pink eye. To make it even worse, Ben’s mom can’t take off from work, which means Ben has to come to Kinzie’s house for the day. And there’s no time to make a Kinvention to stop that.
Kinzie and Ben decide if they can’t go on the field trip, maybe they can create their own backyard zoo instead. What could possibly go wrong with that great idea?
Claw & Order: Fairy Goose Unit
The Pignapping
(Book 1)
This time, the little piggy couldn’t go wee-wee-wee all the way home from school. Instead, a big, bad ransom note points to a pignapping! Fairy Goose Unit detectives Clawed McDiddle and Allie O' Dumpling search for clues to bring home the bacon. But can they solve this mystery so the Swine family
can live hogfully ever after?
Nivya Kuriakose, illustrator, and Donna Boock, author, team up again in this rollicking fun and funny book series. The Kirkus review of Moo-La-La-Ti-Da! (2021), their first book together, says, "Boock... masters the art of choosing the perfect words for every page, especially glamorous (and sometimes invented) rhymes…Kuriakose’s painted illustrations are filled with brilliant colors...The friendship lesson here, along with the clever turns of phrase and vivid images, are likely to make this a hit with Fancy Nancy series fans.”
Join Clawed & Allie for this little piggy’s tale and
a whole lot of Fairy Goose fun!
Claw & Order: Fairy Goose Unit
Stolen, Golden Goose Eggs
(Book 2)
Fowl play! Jack's and the Beanstalk's goose and all her precious golden eggs are missing. Fairy Goose Unit Ducktectives Jack B. Quack and Hickety Pickety McChickety won't rest when there's been an egg-napping from the nest. They put their birdbrains together to find suspects. But will they quack¿er, I mean, crack the case, or are they on a wild goose chase?Join Jack B. Quack & Hickety Pickety McChickety for a whole lot of Fairy Goose fun in book #2 of the Claw & Order: Fairy Goose Unit series for readers ages 6-9.
Oh, My Word!
When Zander's parents open an animal clinic in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Zander must start fifth grade miles from everything he knows. With the help of his dog Bowden and a few new friends, Zander feels like his new home might be okay. That is, until he gets his first school project- choosing a word to describe himself and inspire him be more. Zander, blurts out, "Boomerang." He worries he's fumbled the assignment and wonders if Pennsylvania will ever feel like home.